EFT Can Set You On The Road To Emotional and Physical Wellness

More often than not, emotional pain causes more damage to your quality of life than physical pain. The negative emotions and stress connected to any trying situations can even result in disease and physical pain.

The fact is emotional stress is related to health issues including increased tumor growth, modified brain chemistry, elevated blood pressure, weakened immune function, and chronic inflammation among others.

Those who have experienced extreme emotional pain know that it can interfere with the ability to enjoy life and can even make one question whether life is worth living.

Healing Emotional Pain – Five Healthy Tips

  1. Let Go of Rejection: Rejection often hurts a lot because it activates the same channels in your brain that physical pain signals use. Rejection touches a person’s innate desire to belong, and the hurt can be so distressing that it hampers one’s ability to make sound decisions, to recall memories, and to think clearly. Your mental health will be better off the sooner you let go of painful rejections.

  2. Avoid Brooding: When you brood over past things that hurt, the memory only becomes even more distressing and can lead to more anger and bitterness. Brooding is not the same as reflection since the latter can help you gain an insight of the event and can lead to closure; the former only raises up bitter memories that only results in pain and elevates stress levels. Brooding about a hurtful event can likewise lead to a rise in the amount of C-reactive protein in the body, which is a factor that causes inflammation in the body and is associated with cardiovascular disease.

  3. Convert That Loss Into A Win: Most people will attribute their failure to bad luck or to their lack of ability. This will likely lower their self-esteem. Learning to blame a failure on poor planning and execution can make the experience a lot less damaging. But a better way yet is training your thoughts on how you can improve more and be better prepared and more knowledgeable about the situation so you can do better and even succeed the next time a similar situation arises.

  4. Use Guilt in A Positive Way: Guilt that’s excessive or lingers can affect your ability to enjoy life and to focus. But guilt that can prevent you from doing something bad to another person can be beneficial.

    You need to convey to the person you harmed an understanding of how your actions impacted that person and even after apologizing you still feel guilty as this is a sign of genuine empathy. This way can you experience authentic forgiveness and closure of your guilty feelings.

  5. If You Suffer From Poor Self-Esteem, Self-Affirmations Can Help: Your emotional health can be significantly enhanced by doing positive affirmations but they may be useless if they fall outside the boundaries of your beliefs. Still, for people who are very open minded and are suffering from low self-esteem, self-affirmations can reinforce positive traits and quickly build up confidence in themselves.  Make a list of your best qualities and remind yourself of those qualities from time to time or on a regular basis. You and only you have the ability to make yourself happy.

The Best Tool for Emotional Healing

A lot of us carry traumas and emotional scars, some of them very deep. They often negatively impact our quality of life and overall health. By using energy psychology and other similar techniques we can resolve the emotional issues that play a huge role in the development of chronic emotional pain.  One of the best techniques to overcome these problems is EFT or Emotional Freedom Technique. This therapy is by far, the most popular version and the most comprehensive form of energy psychology. EFT is a version of psychological acupressure that uses the same energy channels as Chinese/medical acupuncture to address emotional and physical ailments for more than four millennia minus the needles.

The fingertips are used in lieu of needles. Tapping with the fingertips over the pressure points helps convey kinetic energy into specified energy channels in the chest and head while the patient thinks about his/her specific problem (anxiety, pain, addiction, a traumatic event, etc.) while uttering positive affirmations.

The uttering of positive affirmations along with tapping the energy channels is designed to remove the emotional blockage from the bioenergy system of the body leading to a return of body and mind balance, which is an indispensable factor in attaining optimal health and the curing of physical disease. One of the greatest benefits of EFT is that it provides long-term and even permanent health results by reprogramming the body’s responses to the inevitable stressors of everyday life.

In my opinion, EFT is the most potent of all energy psychology and alternative therapies. Medical studies have revealed its ability to quickly lessen the emotional harm of incidents and memories that set off emotional distress. The body usually speeds up healing and rebalances itself once the distress is removed or lessened.

Besides being especially potent for the alleviation of anxiety and mental or emotional stress, the EFT technique can be used to relieve all forms of physical pain, as well.

However, it is important to understand that self-treatment for severe conditions are NOT recommended. In fact, doing so can be dangerous as it may cause you to falsely claim that EFT does not work when nothing could be further from the truth. You need the guidance of a professional if your issues are complex or serious. This person should have years of training behind him/her and has the proper skill to guide you through the process in order to work out your significant deep-seated issues.

Nine Other Tips for Emotional Well-Being

Your emotional health requires ongoing care just as a good sleeping habit, exercising, and eating healthy are needed for long-term physical and mental health. And much like the physical body, the mind can only take so much stress before it goes awry. Unfortunately, a lot of people tend to devote more time to their physical health than to their emotional health and this causes damage to their emotional, mental, and physical well-being. Listed below are nine tips to nurture emotional health.

  1. Be Optimistic:  Your capacity to experience happiness each day is improved when you always look at the bright side of things. This can help you cope better with stress.

  2. Be Hopeful: Metaphorically speaking, with hope you will always have a light shining at the end of every tunnel you are in. This will shield your body from stress and despair enabling you to push through even extremely challenging and dark times. Achieving objectives, even small ones, can help you raise your level of hope.

  3. Love Yourself: Thoughts and comments you have about yourself that are self-deprecating will only lead to doubts about your abilities, cloak your mind with negativity, and raise your stress levels. Know yourself and embrace your own positive traits. Never compare yourself to others but still believe that you have certain uniqueness that no one else possesses.

  4. Stay in Touch:  Having supportive and loving relationships makes you feel accepted and helps you feel connected. This helps boost morale and raises your mood. Your emotional as well as physical needs are met through intimate relationships; therefore, see to it that you reach out to build up and nurture the special relationships in your life.

  5. Show Gratitude: Thankful individuals have a better way of coping with stress, are better capable of achieving goals, and are endowed with more positive emotions. It’s highly recommended to keep a gratitude list or journal wherein you can write the things that you’re grateful for each day. Doing so is one of the best ways to harness gratitude’s positive power and has been associated with greater positive thinking, happier moods, and even greater physical health.

  6. Find Your Purpose and Meaning:  Your life can take on a new meaning that perfectly complements your mental health when you have a goal or purpose. Know your interests and natural talents. This will help you find a goal or a purpose that you can strive for which will help you grow both emotionally and spiritually.

  7. Learn to Control of Your Environment: Learning to master your environment will bring you feelings of success and pride as well as be able to change certain circumstances that will favor you in order to attain optimal emotional balance. Mastery implies executing skills like prioritization and time management as well as the skill to believe in your own ability to handle whatever life throws at you.

  8. Regular Exercise: Exercise raises the levels of neurochemicals like norepinephrine, dopamine, and serotonin in the body helping defend the body from the effects of stress and also alleviating the symptoms of depression. Instead of perceiving exercise as a medical means to ward off disease, lose weight, and live longer, try seeing it as a way to instantly feel happy, lessen stress, and boost your frame of mind.

  9. Practice Mindfulness: Paying attention to the time and moment you ae in right now instead of letting your mind wander off is known as practicing mindfulness. Mindfulness means living in the moment and not allowing negativity and distractions go through your mind. Mindfulness is a great stress relieving technique. It helps you attain undistracted focus and helps increase well-being.

The Importance of Physical Health to Emotional Healing and Health

Physical health and emotional are intimately connected to each other and it’s a mistake to see them as two separate entities. When you’re in good physical health, it’s much easier to bounce back from emotional setbacks. Healthy habits can help you maintain a good mood during stressful times. Heathy people are usually happy people, and vice versa, so besides the aforementioned tips, the list below includes lifestyle approaches that can help support and maintain emotional healing and wellness:

  1. Regular exposure to the sun: Adequate amounts of vitamin D prevent depression as studies show that people with low levels of vitamin D tend to suffer from depression. However, too much sun exposure can lead to skin conditions and even skin cancer, so therefore, regular but safe sun exposure should be followed which leads to elevated levels of energy and mood.

  2. Omega-3 fatty acids (animal-based): Low amounts of DHA and omega-3 fats in the body are associated with a high risk of mood disorders and mood swings. Depressed people are known to have low amounts of omega-3 in their bloodstream, compared to people who are not depressed.

  3. Quality sleep: Bipolar depression and other psychiatric disorders have been linked to sleep deprivation. Conversely, getting the right amount of sleep has been associated with good personality traits such as greater self-esteem, optimism and a greater ability to solve difficult problems.

  4. Eat well: Both your short-term and long term energy and mood levels are directly affected by what you eat. Eating junk and processed foods will make you sluggish and susceptible to chronic disease whereas proper and healthy foods can set your body and brain in a happy, focused state. A well-thought of nutrition plan will guide you on what foods are best to eat setting you on the road to both emotional and physical wellness.