Antibiotics for Lyme Disease

Lyme disease is often referred to as “The Great Imitator” due to the varied symptoms it manifests that can mimic the symptoms of other types of conditions. If you did not notice the initial bull’s eye rash from the bite of the tick, you’ll probably experience years of seemingly common symptoms that can be quite perplexing and very hard to diagnose. Moreover, once a diagnosis has been determined based on years of accumulated symptoms, the conventional healing approaches can prove quite ineffective.

A significant rash that appears right after a tick bite is the first phase of Lyme disease. If you’re able to detect this rash and consult with a doctor right away, you’ll have a great chance of nipping the disease in the bud before it becomes full-blown. But, unfortunately, more often than not, the rash doesn’t get noticed making those who have been bitten completely unaware of what they have contracted.

For the lucky ones who’ve managed to receive treatment shortly after the bite, a regimen of antibiotics is often prescribed. The antibiotics can include penicillin, amoxicillin, erythromycin (Ery-Tab or Erythrocin), cefotaxine (Claforan), doxycycline (Vibramyicin or Doryx), cefuroxime (Ceftin), ceftriaxone (Rocephin), tetracycline, and cefotaxine (Claforan).

 These medications have proven to be effective in killing the bacteria causing the disease. For people who only after years get diagnosed and receive treatment, the success rate of the antibiotics may be a bit lower. Physicians who have extensive experience in treating chronic Lyme disease will probably agree that a “global” approach is needed in treating long-term Lyme disease. This means, as a standalone treatment, antibiotics may not be enough to get rid of the condition.

Late stage Lyme disease antibiotic therapy usually means that you are taking the medications indefinitely without an end in sight.  This approach may lessen the symptoms, but once you stop taking the drugs, the symptoms can come back with a vengeance. Naturally, you need to heed the advice of your physician and follow a plan of treatment to help control the symptoms, since it may take several months or years of antibiotic treatment in order to rid yourself of the disease.

The main thing to remember is that prolonged usage of antibiotics can do more harm than good.

To gain more knowledge on how to properly address Lyme disease, read books, do some online research and talk to your doctor about the disease. If you manage to find an alternative treatment that can alleviate or completely stop the disease, then take the time to investigate it.

You can start your research by visiting the website about Lyme disease symptoms []. Here you can read about alternatives that have shown promise in treating the disease and some relevant information regarding the condition.