Vitamins You Need Now
Can vitamin A be used to help boost my immune system? The answer is yes. But bear in mind that vitamin A is not the end-all or be-all the immune system needs to function at its peak. You need sufficient amounts of all mineral and vitamins for that. This will help prepare you for the upcoming flu and cold season.
You can preserve the integrity of your mucous membranes and skin by taking the recommended daily allowance of Vitamin A everyday. The mucous membranes and skin both serve as the body’s first line of defense against the onslaught of parasites, fungi, viruses, and bacteria. You may sometimes assume that when you have a runny nose, it’s the work of cold. Yeah, I know it’s unpleasant, but the body actually needs mucous to fight infections naturally. The lining of your throat, nose, vagina, and intestines is made up of mucous membranes. You’re a sitting duck for infections if the lining in those areas of the body lack a thick, slimy layer of mucous protection. Several research efforts have proven vitamin A’s significant effect on immunity, especially against rheumatoid arthritis. Researchers conducted a study that was published in the Journal of Immunology on July 2012 showing the power of vitamin A in suppressing the development of Interleukin-17, a pain-causing compound and at the same time, reducing antibodies that attack collagen and joints.
You can also enjoy a healthy DNA by taking adequate amounts of vitamin A. This vitamin can help lower the risk of body damage caused by free radicals, which is affiliated with a higher risk of cancer. Vitamin A has even anti-cancer properties as studies have conclusively shown.
Vitamin A improves eyesight, particularly nighttime vision. You need vitamin A to treat acne. It is a must if you long for fabulous skin. The main active ingredient of the drug Retin-A is a vitamin A derivative and dermatologists often prescribe it for whiteheads, blackheads, and cystic acne. Vitamin A increases collagen formation. Collagen is the substance in your body that keeps your skin looking smooth and tight so you might say this vitamin eradicates wrinkles.
The recommended daily allowance for vitamin A is 5,000 IUs; however, if you are using mineral oil or taking acid-reducing drugs or a supplement that blocks fat, you may need to up your intake to 15 to 25 thousand IUs per day. If you eat meat, milk, and cheese you could eat your way to sufficient levels of vitamin A. Some vegetables like carrots are high in beta-carotene and if your health is good, your body will be able to transform this into vitamin A, without any risk of toxicity. Besides carrots, pumpkins, tomatoes, spinach, and red peppers are good sources for beta-carotene. You can also do some research on what minerals and vitamins can do for your body, and how you can get sufficient nutrient to protect your body against disease and support healing.